Sudograph settings

There will be many settings that Sudograph will allow the developer to customize. Sudograph settings are set in your GraphQL schema using the SudographSettings object type. The following are supported now:

type SudographSettings {
    exportGeneratedQueryFunction: true
    exportGeneratedMutationFunction: true
    exportGeneratedInitFunction: true
    exportGeneratedPostUpgradeFunction: true


Defaults to true. If set to false, the graphql_query function generated by Sudograph will not be exported as a publicly available canister function. This would allow you to implement your own logic before executing a query, for example as part of an authorization flow.

Here's an example of overriding the generated graphql_query function with some basic authorization. You would create the following GraphQL schema in canisters/graphql/src/schema.graphql:

type SudographSettings {
    exportGeneratedQueryFunction: false

type User {
    id: ID!

You would write the following in canisters/graphql/src/

fn main() {
use sudograph::graphql_database;


async fn graphql_query_custom(query_string: String, variables_json_string: String) -> String {
    let authorized_principal = sudograph::ic_cdk::export::Principal::from_text("y6lgw-chi3g-2ok7i-75s5h-k34kj-ybcke-oq4nb-u4i7z-vclk4-hcpxa-hqe").expect("should be able to decode");
    if sudograph::ic_cdk::caller() != authorized_principal {
        panic!("Not authorized");

    return graphql_query(query_string, variables_json_string).await;

You would update canisters/graphql/src/graphql.did:

service : {
    "graphql_query_custom": (text, text) -> (text) query;
    "graphql_mutation": (text, text) -> (text);


Defaults to true. If set to false, the graphql_mutation function generated by Sudograph will not be exported as a publicly available canister function. This would allow you to implement your own logic before executing a mutation, for example as part of an authorization flow.

Here's an example of overriding the generated graphql_mutation function with some basic authorization. You would create the following GraphQL schema in canisters/graphql/src/schema.graphql:

type SudographSettings {
    exportGeneratedMutationFunction: false

type User {
    id: ID!

You would write the following in canisters/graphql/src/

fn main() {
use sudograph::graphql_database;


async fn graphql_mutation_custom(mutation_string: String, variables_json_string: String) -> String {
    let authorized_principal = sudograph::ic_cdk::export::Principal::from_text("y6lgw-chi3g-2ok7i-75s5h-k34kj-ybcke-oq4nb-u4i7z-vclk4-hcpxa-hqe").expect("should be able to decode");
    if sudograph::ic_cdk::caller() != authorized_principal {
        panic!("Not authorized");

    return graphql_mutation(mutation_string, variables_json_string).await;

You would update canisters/graphql/src/graphql.did:

service : {
    "graphql_query": (text, text) -> (text) query;
    "graphql_mutation_custom": (text, text) -> (text);


Defaults to true. If set to false, the init function generated by Sudograph will not be exported as a publicly available canister function. This would allow you to implement your own logic during canister initialization. You'll want to make sure to call the generated init function after your functionality is complete, as it executes all of the init mutations that initialize the database.

Here's an example of overriding the generated init function. You would create the following GraphQL schema in canisters/graphql/src/schema.graphql:

type SudographSettings {
    exportGeneratedInitFunction: false

type User {
    id: ID!

You would write the following in canisters/graphql/src/

fn main() {
use sudograph::graphql_database;


async fn init_custom() {


Defaults to true. If set to false, the post_upgrade function generated by Sudograph will not be exported as a publicly available canister function. This would allow you to implement your own logic during canister post upgrade. You'll want to make sure to call the generated post_upgrade function after your functionality is complete, as it executes all of the init mutations that initialize the database (unless you are keeping your state through stable memory, then you would not want to initialize the database again).

Here's an example of overriding the generated post_upgrade function. You would create the following GraphQL schema in canisters/graphql/src/schema.graphql:

type SudographSettings {
    exportGeneratedPostUpgradeFunction: false

type User {
    id: ID!

You would write the following in canisters/graphql/src/

fn main() {
use sudograph::graphql_database;


async fn post_upgrade_custom() {