Local deployment

Start up an IC replica and deploy:

# Open a terminal and run the following command to start a local IC replica
dfx start

# Alternatively to the above command, you can run the replica in the background
dfx start --background

# If you are running the replica in the background, you can run this command within the same terminal as the dfx start --background command
# If you are not running the replica in the background, then open another terminal and run this command from the root directory of your project
dfx deploy

Make sure to run dfx deploy for your first deploy. For quicker deployments after the first, you can run dfx deploy graphql if you've only changed your schema or the Rust code within the graphql canister. dfx deploy graphql will only deploy the graphql canister, which contains the generated database.

playground canister

Start executing GraphQL queries and mutations against your database by going to the following URL in a Chromium browser: http://r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai.localhost:8000.

frontend canister

View a simple frontend application that communicates with the graphql canister by going to the following URL in a Chromium browser: http://rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai.localhost:8000.

command line

You can execute queries against the graphql canister from the command line if you wish:

# send a query to the graphql canister
dfx canister call graphql graphql_query '("query { readUser { id } }", "{}")'

# send a mutation to the graphql canister
dfx canister call graphql graphql_mutation '("mutation { createUser(input: { username: \"lastmjs\" }) { id } }", "{}")'

Sudograph Client

See the Sudograph Client documentation for more information. Here's a simple example of using Sudograph Client from a JavaScript frontend:

import {
} from 'sudograph';

const {
} = sudograph({
    canisterId: 'ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai'

async function getUserIds() {
    const result = await query(gql`
        query {
            readUser {

    const users = result.data.readUser;

    return users;

Rust canister

If you want to call into the graphql canister from another Rust canister, first you update the dfx.json and then implement your rust canister.

Make sure to include the graphql canister as a dependency to your rust canister in dfx.json:

    "canisters": {
        "graphql": {
            "type": "custom",
            "build": "cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --package graphql --release",
            "candid": "canisters/graphql/src/graphql.did",
            "wasm": "target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/graphql.wasm"
        "playground": {
            "type": "assets",
            "source": ["canisters/playground/build"]
        "rust": {
            "type": "custom",
            "build": "cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --package rust --release",
            "candid": "canisters/rust/src/rust.did",
            "wasm": "target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/rust.wasm",
            "dependencies": [

And then in your rust canister:

fn main() {
use ic_cdk;
use ic_cdk_macros;

#[ic_cdk_macros::import(canister = "graphql")]
struct GraphQLCanister;

async fn get_all_users() -> String {
    let result = GraphQLCanister::graphql_query(
            query {
                readUser {

    let result_string = result.0;

    return result_string;

Motoko canister

If you want to call into the graphql canister from a Motoko canister:

import Text "mo:base/Text";

actor Motoko {
    let GraphQLCanister = actor "rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai": actor {
        graphql_query: query (Text, Text) -> async (Text);
        graphql_mutation: (Text, Text) -> async (Text);

    public func get_all_users(): async (Text) {
        let result = await GraphQLCanister.graphql_query("query { readUser { id } }", "{}");

        return result;

Wasm binary optimization

If the replica rejects deployment of your canister because the payload is too large, you may need to optimize your Wasm binary.