Generated Schema

Sudograph takes your schema and generates a much more powerful schema along with the resolvers for that schema.

In addition to this documentation, assuming you've generated an example project with npx sudograph and deployed your canisters, then navigate to the playground at http://r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai.localhost:8000 in a Chromium browser and click the Docs button in the top right corner. That documentation explains everything that you can do with your newly generated schema.

As an example, given the following simple schema:

type User {
    id: ID!

type BlogPost {
    id: ID!

Sudograph will generate the following schema along with its resolvers:

type Query {
    search: ReadUserInput,
    limit: Int,
    offset: Int,
    order: OrderUserInput
  ): [User!]!
    search: ReadBlogPostInput,
    limit: Int,
    offset: Int,
    order: OrderBlogPostInput
  ): [BlogPost!]!

input DeleteUserInput {
	id: ID
	ids: [ID!]

input UpdateBlogPostInput {
	id: ID!

input DeleteBlogPostInput {
	id: ID
	ids: [ID!]

input ReadUserInput {
	id: ReadIDInput
	and: [ReadUserInput!]
	or: [ReadUserInput!]

input ReadIDInput {
	eq: ID
	gt: ID
	gte: ID
	lt: ID
	lte: ID
	contains: ID

input OrderUserInput {
	id: OrderDirection

enum OrderDirection {

type User {
	id: ID!

input ReadBlogPostInput {
	id: ReadIDInput
	and: [ReadBlogPostInput!]
	or: [ReadBlogPostInput!]

input OrderBlogPostInput {
	id: OrderDirection

type BlogPost {
	id: ID!

type Mutation {
	createUser(input: CreateUserInput): [User!]!
	createBlogPost(input: CreateBlogPostInput): [BlogPost!]!
	updateUser(input: UpdateUserInput!): [User!]!
	updateBlogPost(input: UpdateBlogPostInput!): [BlogPost!]!
	deleteUser(input: DeleteUserInput!): [User!]!
	deleteBlogPost(input: DeleteBlogPostInput!): [BlogPost!]!
	initUser: Boolean!
	initBlogPost: Boolean!

input UpdateUserInput {
	id: ID!

input CreateBlogPostInput {
	id: ID

input CreateUserInput {
	id: ID