
The create mutation is the main way to create data in your GraphQL database.

Per object type defined in your GraphQL schema, Sudograph generates one create field on the Mutation object type. We'll focus in on what happens with one object type defined. Imagine your schema looks like this:

type User {
    id: ID!

Sudograph will generate the following (we're focusing on just one part of the generated schema):

type Mutation {
	createUser(input: CreateUserInput): [User!]!

input CreateUserInput {
	id: ID

It's important to remember that within create selection sets you also have the ability to search, limit, offset, and order on any many-relation.

For example if you had this schema:

type User {
    id: ID!
    blogPosts: [BlogPost!]!

type BlogPost {
    id: ID!
    title: String!

You could write a query like this:

mutation {
    createUser(blogPosts: {
        connect: ["7c3nrr-6jhf3-2gozt-hh37a-d6nvf-lsdwv-d7bhp-uk5nt-r42y"]
    }) {
            search: {
                title: {
                    contains: "The"
            offset: 0
            limit: 10
            order: {
                title: ASC
        ) {