
Object types have fields that may be types such as other object types or scalars or enums. Object types allow you to define the truly custom data types and relations that make up your application.

You could model a user with blog posts like so:

type User {
    id: ID!
    username: String!
    blogPosts: [BlogPost!]! @relation(name: "User:blogPosts::BlogPost:author")

type BlogPost {
    id: ID!
    publishedAt: Date
    title: String!
    author: User! @relation(name: "User:blogPosts::BlogPost:author")

You could model a family tree like so:

# TODO this example will not work yet
# TODO the self-referencing has some issues and multiple @relation directives per field is not yet supported
type Person {
    id: ID!
    firstName: String!
    lastName: String!
    father: Person @relation(name: "Person:father::Person:children")
    mother: Person @relation(name: "Person:mother::Person:children")
    children: [Person!]!
        @relation(name: "Person:father::Person:children")
        @relation(name: "Person:mother::Person:children")

You could model Ethereum block data like so:

type Block {
    id: ID!
    number: Int!
    hash: String!
    parent: Block
    transactionsRoot: String!
    transactionCount: Int!
    stateRoot: String!
    gasLimit: String!
    gasUsed: String!
    timestamp: Date!
    transactions: [Transaction!]! @relation(name: "Block:transactions::Transaction:block")

type Transaction {
    id: ID!
    hash: String!
    index: Int!
    from: String!
    to: String!
    value: String!
    gasPrice: String!
    gas: String!
    inputData: String!
    block: Block! @relation(name: "Block:transactions::Transaction:block")
    gasUsed: String!